What Is Iridology?

Credit: Dr. David J. Pesek of Holistic Iridology®

The science and practice of iridology is performed by analyzing the sclera (the white parts of the eyes), the pupils, and the iris (the area of our eye that holds the color).

Iris was the name of goddess of the rainbow in Greek mythology and she was known as the messenger of the gods in the Iliad. When magnified, our Iris can be a messenger for us, too. 

 Within our eye is a map of the human body and brain. It is personalized to each person. Just like every fingerprint is different, so too is every iris. Areas within the eye directly correlate with specific bodily organs and structures.  Depending on how the iris forms, we can tell a lot about a person’s body physically, as well as certain mental and personality tendencies.

Through Iridology we can reveal inflammation, where it’s located, and at what stage it’s manifesting. The iris reveals the body constitution, inherent weaknesses, levels of health and the transitions that take place in a person’s body according to the way they live.

Holistic Iridology®  is the method of Iridology I study through Dr. David J. Pesek. This kind of iridolgy is an advanced system that encompasses not only the interpretation of genetic influences on the physical (symptoms) but also on the conscious and subconscious spiritual (connection to the Divine), mental (thoughts) and emotional (feelings) aspects of the soul’s journey throughout its lifetime.

Multiple studies have confirmed that unhealthy thoughts and emotions adversely affect our DNA as well as our physical health. By getting to the root cause of these thoughts/feelings and healing them on all levels, we are then capable of reprogramming the DNA code to transmute ancestral issues that are not healthy or not for our highest good.

Holistic Iridology® is a powerful tool of analysis, not diagnosis. Iris analysis can uncover hereditary predispositions to degenerative conditions and early pathogenesis decades before symptoms occur or diagnostic testing may reveal. This makes it a valuable asset for preventive healthcare. 

The science and practice of iridology is not new. The oldest records uncovered so far have shown that a form of iris interpretation was used in Mesopotamia as far back as 1,000 BC; nearly 3.000 years ago. This information was found in cuneiform writings on tablets of clay from the time of Chaldea. The Greeks referred to this culture as the cradle of knowledge. Today it is utilized worldwide in various countries and internationally esteemed professional communities.

How Is Iridology Possible?

The simplified explanation of how iridology works is this: The iris of the eye is the most complex tissue of the body meeting the outside world. It is an extension of the brain, being incredibly endowed with hundreds of thousands of nerve endings, microscopic blood vessels, muscle and other tissues. The iris is connected directly to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the brain and nervous system. The nerve fibers receive their impulses through their connections to the optic nerve, optic thalami, and spinal cord. They are formed embryologically in the womb from mesoderm and neuroectoderm tissues, emerging as a twin structure to the thalamus from the interbrain.  Both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are present in the iris. Because of this anatomy and physiology, the eyes are in direct contact with the biochemical, hormonal, structural and metabolic processes of the body.

It is through this way that Nature has provided us with a mini TV screen showing the most remote portions of the body through our nerve reflex responses. We are discovering that the eye works two ways; not only does it enable us to bring images of the outside world within, it also shows images of what is within to the outside. 

Nerve fibers in the iris respond to changes in body tissues by manifesting a reflex physiology that corresponds to specific tissue changes and locations. The scientific explanation of exactly how this process works neurologically is still being researched further and is devoted to creating a better understanding of this phenomenal science.

What Can Holistic Iridology Reveal?

The following is a list of what can potentially be seen in the irises. It is by no means intended to be an exhaustive list.

  • Constitutional predispositions by iris color
  • Constitutional subtypes by trabeculae structure
  • Constitutional subtypes by accumulations
  • Inherently strong organs, glands and other tissue structures
  • Inherently weak organs, glands and other tissue structures
  • Genetic memory patterns held in tissues
  • Conscious thought and emotional patterns
  • Subconscious thought and emotional patterns
  • Hypoactivity and hyperactivity of tissue structures
  • Level of nutrient assimilation
  • Lymphatic / immune system congestion
  • Hypofunctioning skin
  • Circulation to the extremities
  • Cerebral circulation
  • Build-up of cholesterol plaque and inorganic salts
  • Levels of internalized stress and tension
  • Tissue mineral depletion
  • Toxic accumulations within the body’s influence of one organ on another, thus contributing to a condition elsewhere in the body
  • Hypofunctioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Spastic or ballooned conditions in the bowel
  • Prolapsus of the transverse colon
  • Relative ability of an organ, gland or tissue to retain nutrients
  • Retention of toxins and metabolic waste in tissue structures
  • Inherent recuperative ability of the various organs, glands and tissues
  • Preclinical stages of degenerative conditions
  • Health of the GI tract affecting other structures
  • Kidney congestion and excess mucus
  • Emotional mood swings
  • Build-up of toxic substances before the manifestation of disease
  • Chronically low oxygenation of tissues
  • Overacid body chemistry
  • Survival issues of a psychological nature
  • Basic nutritional requirements of the body
  • Self-esteem or self-image factors
  • Conditions that have developed after birth
  • Birth trauma and respiratory system involvement
  • Factors contributing to senility
  • Mental, emotional and physical stamina of an individual
  • Suppression of expression of thoughts and feelings
  • Pancreatic insufficiencies and grief issues
  • Mental and emotional pain and sensitivity
  • Issues of anger and resentment
  • Potential terrain for parasites
  • Difficulty receiving from self and others
  • Strong will, determination and motivation
  • Overactive mind with thoughts in many directions
  • Inherent endocrine system efficiency
  • Hereditary influences from mother
  • Hereditary influences from father
  • Nervous system energy force or depletion
  • Transit time of the GI tract
  • Sexual trauma suppression or compulsion
  • How a person experiences through his/her five senses
  • How a person perceives what they have experienced from their parents or primary figures in their life
  • The overall health level of the body as a unified structure
  • The free-flowing aspect of consciousness and enthusiasm

What Holistic Iridology Cannot Do

Iridology is not used for diagnosis or treatment. Rather it is used as a means of assessment for conditions and levels of health. This is a list of what Iridology cannot reveal.

  • Diagnose any disease by name
  • Determine if a specific organ, gland or tissue has been surgically removed under anesthesia
  • Reliably identify a parasite infection and what type of parasite it may be
  • Diagnose candida albicans overgrowth
  • Determine what type of diet an individual is presently eating
  • Determine how much water a person is drinking
  • Determine a specific blood level of cholesterol
  • Determine a specific blood glucose level
  • Measure an individual’s blood pressure
  • Identify what prescription drugs a person is taking or what they have used in the past
  • Pinpoint the specific pH of various body tissues
  • Identify toxic metals by name that have settled in tissues
  • Tell the gender of a patient/client
  • Ascertain if a person has three kidneys
  • Show the presence of dental cavities
  • Indicate reliably whether a tumor is present and what size it is
  • Evaluate a person’s visual acuity
  • Diagnose diseases of the eye

How Does An Iris Analysis Work?

After booking an iris analysis below, you will then need to email me photos of your eyes to EyeSongHealth@gmail.com. Please attach clear, good-quality photos of both irises. For instructions on how to do so, please refer here to the “Iris Photo Instructions”

​You will receive a personalized and detailed Iris Analysis Report via email that analyzes your eyes for over 100 unique health checkpoints. Where permitted, appropriate herbal remedies, nutritional guidance, recommended healing sound frequencies, and other helpful information will also be included with your personalized report.

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